Wessex Alternative Connections
Alternative Healing, Complementary Therapies, Meditation, Psychics, Mystics, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Angels, New Age, Earth Energies, Sacred Sites, etc.
This Site was inspired by the Sussex Alternative Connections Web Site and has been set up as a companion Site with the agreement and encouragement of Melanie Gambrill, Webmistress of Sussex Alternative Connections. as such it is intended as a complementary Site rather than a competing one. The region of Wessex has varying definitions but, if those definitions are combined, it represents an area from Kent to Cornwall and Berkshire to the Isle of Wight. Wessex Alternative Connections therefore covers Berkshire, Cornwall, Dorset, Devon, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight. at least that is what is intended; the Site is relatively new and will take time to grow to that size. there are occasional links, further afield, which are listed elsewhere locally. Other reasons for this Web Site, as well as my other Sites, are explained on those Sites and you are invited to visit them, My Other Web Sites. Those reasons include the value of the story of Lorelei and I to Tourism in the South of England which is of particualr value to Havant, Portsmouth and Hampshire in general, as well as Chichester and Sussex, to some extent Essex, the South of England generally and, of course, Germany; see the Lorelei and Tourism Page of this Web Site, or go directly to my/our Lorelei Tourism Web Site for a fuller explanation, plus the Lorelei Links Site for interest (perhaps), or curiosity. For more background information on this Web Site and the Wessex Region see the About this Site page. Requests for inclusion are welcome: E-mail Wessex Alternative Connections. In return a reciprocal link with Web Sites listed on this Site would be appreciated. For those able to do so, leaflet and poster advertising of this Site would also be welcome. Please contact me by E-Mail for materials and details. It would be helpful to include "WessexAC" in the Subject Line. Mention of Wessex Alternative Connections when contacting people listed would also be appreciated. |
Web Site created by Richard King By Profession, I am a Chartered Engineer and Consultant Engineer but am also a Healer with a degree of psychic abilities, a Member of the Scientific and Medical Network, with a discarnate Soulmate, who is also a Healer and the person behind the Lorelei Legend (of Germany and the River Rhine, Rhein in German), though very different from it, at least as perceived outside Germany. In Germany Lorelei is both History and Legend, as well as being regarded as a Heroine. There is more detail about Lorelei, my family of this physical lifetime, Cathy (my Guardian Angel), my Healer colleagues and I on My Other Web Sites. The Tourism connections important for the South of England, parts of the East of England and elsewhere. Although this is explained on my various Sites, as are many other things, Lorelei is important in many ways, hence the number of Lorelei Links throughout the Web Sites, including a Lorelei Links Site and other Loreleis I have come across on the Internet. |